I was watching a documentary about how a case of an ill kid ended up in court and the parents lost the legal battle. The parents wanted to wait for the kid to wake up they were waiting for a miracle but the trust went to court as in their opinion the kid was already brain stem dead and there was no chance of survival. Well, nobody can imagine the worst conditions the family especially the parents went through as it is beyond words. All we can do is to pray for the kid and the families that may god help them with their sufferings. The parents found the kid unconscious and they thought he was participating in some sort of online challenge. The loss is beyond words but the legal matter thing made it worst for the parents.
Best parental control app:
Today’s kid’s life is different from the past. They have smart gadgets to play with and social media and instant messenger chat apps to experiment with. A parent’s responsibilities have almost increased up to double or even three times with all the smart technology and modern weapons. They have to manage their personal life, the usual teen stuff and along with that the online world the kids love to spend time in. No person can keep up with everything while staying sane. So the shortcut is again taking help from technology.
There are all sorts of spy apps, monitoring software, and tools that offer monitoring features for parents. But finding the best parental control app is still a mystery as you can find yourself all lost in the jungle of millions of types of spy apps. A sincere try is all we can do as a parent the rest is up to fate. TheOneSpy can be considered one of the best parental control app because of its extraordinary features. Here is what you need to know about the technology and the app and how it can help you give real information about the online life of your kid.
- The Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 raised the annual budget of the ALS association to 187%.
So it’s not like challenges or digital activities are always harmful or threatening. The point is it is, always safe to know about the kid’s personal and digital life, and that too in a remote secret way.
Keep yourself updated:
Keeping yourself up to date about the latest online world is the first and most basic thing to do as a parent. Don’t try to think that it is not your thing and try to learn about every latest technology. This also applies to every modern tool your teenager shows interest in. Make a surprise visit to the screen of the teenager with the screen recording feature and know what are they up to.
Get Familiarized With The Slangs:
The remote access to the web browser can update the parents about the slang language and other keywords the teen search on the internet. You can know if they are doing anything stupid or if anyone is trying to force them into any dangerous activity. A best parental control app like the TheOneSpy phone tracker not only lets the parent know about the browser activity but also helps them out in getting rid of such stuff. Try the web filtering feature for more details.
Know About Any Code Words:
The text log feature reports all the sent and received texts. It is the best way to decode any coding language used by teenagers in their conversations.
Monitor the Screen Time Frequently:
With a screenshot and short video recordings, you can know about the total time spent on the screen. It is one of the excellent features offered by the best parental control app as all the information is saved with date and time information.
Have Eyes on the Number Of Social Media Accounts:
The best parental control app the TheOneSpy offers services for both android and iPhone. You can even keep up with the kid’s activities through their desktop and laptop as well. Try the Windows and Mac services and enjoy the best parental control app services in stealth mode to make sure you are enjoying a safe online world.
Iva Ort is an ingenious wordsmith and captivating blogger whose tales leap off the screen and into your imagination. With a pen as her wand, she weaves enchanting stories and insightful articles, leaving readers spellbound and craving more.